Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Gray's Inn Seminar: Criminals or Victims?

Readers may be interested in this forthcoming event

A Necessary Guide to the Non-Criminalisation of Victims of Human Trafficking

Peter Carter QC
18 Red Lion Court

Parosha Chandran
1 Pump Court

Pam Bowen
Head of Trafficking Policy, CPS

An expert seminar aiming to bridge gaps in knowledge concerning the criminalisation of victims of trafficking.

Principally for Judges, Barristers and Students with an interest in criminal law and public law, the seminar seeks to raise awareness of how to identify possible victims of trafficking and how to protect the legal rights of such persons

 Monday 4th February 2013 Gray’s Inn Hall 6.15pm – 8.15pm

The cost is £10 for students to attend the seminar and drinks afterwards. Everyone must register in advance for the event.  For mor einfo, and the registration form, contact

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