Wednesday, 30 January 2013

New Radio Show: Being LGBT

SparkFM, the Sunderland University radio station, has launched a new show, 'Being LGBT'.  The station has deservedly won a stack of awards, and this latest show marks a new project for the extremely talented Sam Willey.  It's every Wednesday at 2pm (and you may hear a familiar voice in the near future) , and you can catch it on listen again if you missed it.

This week:

Kieron Brady former Sunderland football player, now equality expert with CICI speaks about homophobia in the game.

Lindsay England from the Just a Ball Game? initiative says more needs to be done to tackle homophobia in football.

Megan Worthing-Davies from Football V Homophobia chats to us live about the campaign and her involvement with the Justin Campaign.

Lewis Moody, former England Rugby international speaks out, calling for more open LGBT people in Sport.

Gentoo and the Tyne and Wear Fire Service talk to us about being a North East employer included in the Stonewall Top 100 of LGB friendly employers.

Check it out here.

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