The Guardian reported on Saturday the final of the Mr Gay UK contest. The story focused in part on Mr Sunderland (presumably therefore a favourite) with a huge picture of him tanning himself on a sun bed:
'By 9:15am yesterday, Mr Sunderland still hadn't slept a wink. He had driven through the night to get to Blackpool but there was no time to waste in bed. It wasn't just excitement: he had to prepare for the competition. The first stop was the solarium, Spartan. "When I'm white I look spotty, rundown and minging," he said, taking off his white shirt to reveal his already teak-coloured, tattooed chest - a quick manoeuvre as he had only buttoned it up to his navel. "Fallen Angel" read the nipple-to-nipple legend, inspired, said its owner, by the Dan Brown book Angels and Demons.'
The full story can be viewed at: http://www.guardian.co.uk/gayrights/story/0,,2160223,00.html
The ultimate winner was Mr Blackpool pictured here. More info can be seen at: http://mrgayuk.co.uk/home/?folder=main
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