After being away I'm still catching up on news. The big story that seems to still be dominating US news is the resignation of Idaho Republican Senator Larry Craig. You can read the story here: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/b900b66c-58b0-11dc-b883-0000779fd2ac.html
The senator had been arrested in a public lavatory at an airport following a clamp down by the airport. Like the George Michael case he was not actually caught engaging in a sexual act but rather seeking a sexual act (see Humhpreys). Pictured with his wife he told the media: "I am not gay, I never have been gay". Quite apart from that the fact that he seems to view homosexuality as a state that one can be then not be (then be again presumably?) this once again raises issues around sexual identity. Does engaging in a homosexual act equate to being a homosexual. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I'd welcome thoughts on this story.
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