I do enjoy a slightly silly story on a Friday and this week a brilliant one is provided by the Skrufff Newsletter. They note story this week that Enrique Iglesias now regrets a joke he made about seeking work from extra-small condom manufacturers. The Newsletter states:
"I said I had a small penis as a joke," the failed former heart-throb protested, "And they took it literally when it is not the truth," he complained.
I think 'failed' might be a little harsh and for some strange reason I find it extremely hard to believe he really is struggling to attract people. The newsletter ends the item on a very very strange note saying:
'However, the infamously flamboyant make-up wearing DJ categorically refused to discuss persistent industry rumours that he’s taken to calling himself Daniella and parading around in full drag regalia and remained surprisingly sensitive about revealing his date of birth.
"Never ask a lady her age." he scolded.'
Well okay...
"I said I had a small penis as a joke," the failed former heart-throb protested, "And they took it literally when it is not the truth," he complained.
I think 'failed' might be a little harsh and for some strange reason I find it extremely hard to believe he really is struggling to attract people. The newsletter ends the item on a very very strange note saying:
'However, the infamously flamboyant make-up wearing DJ categorically refused to discuss persistent industry rumours that he’s taken to calling himself Daniella and parading around in full drag regalia and remained surprisingly sensitive about revealing his date of birth.
"Never ask a lady her age." he scolded.'
Well okay...
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