'Dr. Tom Farley, special advisor to the DOHMH Commissioner Thomas Frieden, argues that this approach is well-justified. “A commercial venue provides opportunities for people who have had many partners to come into contact with other people who have had many partners,” Farley said last week. This, he argues, facilitates the spread of HIV into the general population. “It creates a dense network of sexual connections and poses a risk for the entire gay community.”'
Quite right Dr Farley but do you not think that the same men will meet in alternative locations (most probably public sex locations) if you target these locations? Thus, you push the problem underground and increase risk?
A sensible memo on this has been put together by the Coalition for Public Health at Sex Venues . It can be viewed here. I for one wish them every success with their efforts. The full citylimits story can be viewed at: http://www.citylimits.org/content/articles/viewarticle.cfm?article_id=3552&content_type=1&media_type=3
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