Monday, 17 November 2008

"I like kinky sex games. So what?"

The words of Ben Westwood the son of fashion guru Vivienne and an artist/campaigner in his own right. The Guardian carries a brilliant interview with him today following his recent protest outside Parliament along with other human rights campaigners and members of the Consenting Adult Action Network (which I also recently joined as a supporter along with lots of other UK academics). The photograph on the right is taken from the first CAAN newsletter which also covered the protest story. The protest is a result of the new provisions contained in the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 which seeks to ban 'violent pornography'. The law marks a significant development in the state seeking to ban non-harmful images because it disapproves of those images. It is a re-assertion of a moral orthodoxy that is more akin to the views of the late Lord Devlin.

All supporters of CAAN sign up to the following statement: "We believe in the right of consenting adults to make their own sexual choices, in respect of what they do, see and enjoy alone or with other consenting adults, unhindered and unfettered by government."

"We believe that it is not the business of government to intrude into the sex lives of consenting adults."

If you agree, you can sign up here.

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