I am normally amongst the first to have a go at the various trash celebrity programmes. However one programme always manges to appeal to my trashy side - I'm a Celebrity Get Me out of Here. This year they've got 'the oldest' ever contestant - George Takei at 71. I'm slightly horrified he's lowering himself but I'm also convinced that he'll challenge our image of the gay man and given the age and wide audience that watch the show that's got to be a good thing. As a former Star Trek actor and star of
Heroes he will have a huge following already and I suspect he'll do rather well. Given I've said that he'll probably be voted out first.
The Sun (yes how low can this blog post sink) has done a piece today and he's the star whilst the full list of celebrities can be viewed
Takei is joined by 52 year old out lesbian and former tennis star Martina Navratilova. I'm expecting gay marriage and prop 8 to come up at some point and I suspect the average viewers don't normally listen to debate on these subjects. The pair are joined by amongst others, 'glamour model' Nicola McLean. The Sun is presumably backing by their inclusion of a pre-breast implant page 3 picture. Hmmm, maybe it is just trash after all.
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