Monday, 3 November 2008

Proposition 8

Today is the final day of campaigning in the US. Whether Obama or McCain wins it marks a turning point for the US. As long time readers of this blog will know, I've been backing Obama since last year but I still don't think he has it in the bag. The likely winner? yes. The certain winner? no. One of the curious aspects of American democracy is that the public can trigger votes and along with voting for a President and Congressional elections the voters in California will be voting on Proposition 8. Proposition would amend the Constitution of California (yes English readers, they have a Federal structure, keep up) to ban same sex marriage. It is presented as a reasonable constitutional argument. It's not, it's an excuse to overturn gay marriage in one small part of the US. It's sparking some strong exchanges and the vote no website can be viewed here whilst the vote yes site can be viewed here.

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