Wednesday, 12 November 2008

San Rafael Sting Operation

Another interesting public sex environment (PSE) story. This time from San Rafael in California, USA. After Internet listings revealed a site of sexual activity the Police mount a sting operation. it's a familiar pattern that seems to be reflected in media reports in both North America and the UK. I know Sean Hennelly, a postgrad at Nottingham University in the UK is doing some research on this and it will be interesting to see what he finds.

What marks this story out as different is one of the men arrested has brought a class action against the police for breaching his constitutional rights. I can but wish him luck. I also wish I could report that there is a more progressive approach in the UK but as I previously posted the recent Communities and Local Government Select Committee Enquiry into Public Toilet provision did address the subject of sex in public toilets and whilst that was progress they did not fully take on board my recommendations. The report can be viewed here and my submission is discussed in the section on 'anti-social behaviour' with my full memorandum reproduced towards the back of the report.

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