Monday, 1 December 2008

San Francisco Field Trip: 77 Days to Go!

It should have been 80 days but I've been crazy busy the last few days. Last Wednesday I had the privilege of speaking to the new Law School at York University about using blogging in teaching (and talking about this very blog) and then on Friday I went to the most fantastic conference called 'Becoming or Unbecoming? Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Research in the 21st Century', more details here. I presented some of my research on public sex which seemed to have a good response I met some brilliant people.

Anyway, no with the 77 days countdown. I've given in to shameless tourist/recruitment promo's with these two videos. The first focuses on San Fran and the second is probably familiar to a few of you and focuses on California.

You also get a lot of home made videos on YouTube but I quite like this aerial tour one. They also provide a list of when the key sights are:

Highlights of video 1:Monster Park (Candlestick Park) - 4:15AT&T Park - 6:45Bay Bridge - 6:58TransAmerica Pyramid - 7:40Coit Tower - 8:04Fisherman's Wharf - 8:15

Finally, this video provided me with my first memorable view of the Castro District, featuring in the BBC series Michael Palin: Full Circle. Embedding has been disabled but you can view it here. You can also see a brilliant website to accompany the series which includes the text of the book. You can view the start of the SF pages here. Click 'next page' to continue reading about SF.

You might also want to look at this blog which details 'off-beat' attractions around SF:

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Anonymous said...

iv just watched that last video of San Fran and im starting to get a bit excited now. i cant wait!!!

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