'We’ve gone for a new approach, different to other gay publications - offering our readers who have style, taste, and brand awareness the very best of what is available. We call our readers “discerning gay men” – why shouldn’t there be a hugely successful glossy ‘Style’ magazine for gay men? With magazines costing up to £5.00 each we thought it was about time for a UK, no… a world change… The Gay Nation is FREE!'So there you go. It's actually got a decent spread of content and good production quality. It can be viewed here.
I've also got out of the habit of posting about new issues of OutNorthEast. The April/May issue is available here, and includes details about local stories. It also reports on a new 'stylish' sauna opening up in Newcastle next week (1 May) although at the time of posting their website doesn't seem to be up and running..
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