It's for that reason that I thought it might be useful to give you all a heads up on my 'out and about' plans over the next few months. Burglars beware - I'm leaving a house-sitter and fierce ninja cat in charge so don't go getting excited.
So, if you're in the vicinity or plan on attending these events give me a shout. I'd like to meet and interact with as many of you as possible. I'm down in Cambridge 28/29 March for the Association of Law Teachers Annual Conference before dashing off to Bristol (University of the West of England) 30-1 April for the Socio-Legal Studies Annual Conference and then flying home to pretend I'm not turning 30 that weekend.
I'm then over in Chicago 25-31 May for the Law and Society Annual Conference. I'm making a visit to London for a few days at some point to use the Hall-Carpenter Archives at the LSE and heading over to San Francisco for a week (probably June) to do some more research for my public sex book.
This trotting about has been kindly funded by the new Centre for Research into the Experience Economy at the University of Sunderland. Read more about last week's launch here.
Don't forget, you can also follow me on Twitter, Facebook and interact via clicking 'comments' at the bottom of every blog post.
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