The Liberal Democrats are probably the most 'progressive' in their policies and attitudes in relation to gender and sexuality. Whether that be in terms of 'gay rights, attitudes and laws regarding censorship, pornography, sex work or what we sometimes call 'alternative lifestyles'. This election represents a major opportunity for them to raise their game and boost their profile. For me, their equal billing in the three leadership debates is a massive coup but I worry that Nick Clegg is going to make a hash of it. As his appearance on the BBC Today programme this morning reminded us, he's peddling rapidly to the right and it's easy to portray him as 'Cameron light'. His constituency in Sheffield Hallam was Tory in 1997 until the then Lib Dem candidate Richard Allan took the seat for the Lib Dems (the constituency had previously been briefly Liberal between 1916 and 1918) and having lived there and been a school governor in the constituency I would say attitudes are Liberal/Tory. Yet, Nick Clegg shouldn't just be playing for his home audience now. If Charles Kennedy was still leader, he would in all likelihood ensure a major shift in support via these leadership debates with his popular charm and distinctly more left-wing policy approach.
Yet, regardless of which leader they have, they will now be exposed to more scrutiny than ever before. Presenter, journalist and Private Eye star,
Andrew Neil has blogged this morning that: 'There are signs that the Lib Dems are not yet comfortable with this new level of scrutiny', and concludes with typical Neil chutzpah that: 'I'm sure they'll welcome being up there with the big boys'. He is of course right, the Lib Dems deserve this scrutiny and deserve to be taken seriously. That means the flippant mocking of the Lib Dems that presenters often engage in should also be toned down and the Lib Dems should be treated as presenters would the Tories or Labour.
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