I'm backing the Liberal Democrats in this election but if I lived in the new Salford & Eccles constituency I'd be backing D
avid Henry. Henry is one of 32 candidates running for the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition - a group of the left formed at the start of this year. If you know me well you might find this a puzzling choice. I'm not a member of my union and generally disagree with their policy stances and tactics. I would never define myself as a socialist. Why on earth would I therefore urge people to support Henry? Well, there are quite a few reasons. The broad brush answer is he seems one of 'the good guys'. He's up against Hazel Blears - who is the notional incumbent in this new seat. Blears got herself in quite a bit of bother over the expenses scandal. When I see a 'bit', I mean
a shit storm of dodgyness.
Henry is a self described 'Human Rights activist' - and a key figure in Outrage offering, in my view, a sensible and progressive approach to sexuality and gay rights. He seems a tireless campaigner and a passionate local figure. He also seems quite fun, bringing a sense of humour and 'real' perspective. For the shallow, he's a bit of a dish. Our politics would be better and brighter with him in Westminster. If you live in Salford & Eccles, give him a shot.
The Daily Politics focused on the
TUSC in it's small party slot today. It should be live on the DP site
here a little later today.
Check out Henry's website
*UPDATE 17.05, 22/4/10*
Thanks to
@LawrenceMills who points out that
LGBTory chair, M
atthew Sephton is also standing in this seat. He seems to have a nice line in spectacles. Shame about the policies.
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