Earlier today, together with a few other staff and students at the University we posed for a photo and story on IDAHO for the local press. I'm still waiting for that to appear (I'll then post the proper pictures) but in the meantime, have a listen to the Spark FM interview that was done at the same time (I'm not on it) and take a look at the picture that the Spark FM reporter took of us having our picture being taken. How postmodern! I'm the guy in the middle behind the flag. The umbrella ahs a story behind it as it was used by Frankie (holding the flag on the left) and her partner's Civil partnerships which I thought was rather sweet and made it a really great symbol to have in the pic.
You can listen to the interview/news piece
You can read my earlier post on IDAHO and view the video produced by the Lesbian and gay Foundation as part of their Enough is Enough campaign
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