Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Event: Porn Audiences Workshop, May 5, ULU, London

Readers may be interested in the below workshop:

Porn Audiences Workshop, May 5, ULU, London

This workshop examines the study of pornography’s audiences and is organized by the AHRC funded Onscenity Research Network.

The speakers will include Alan McKee, Chief Investigator of the ‘Understanding Pornography in Australia’ project 2002-2004, and author of The Porn Report (2008); Murray Perkins of the British Board of Film Classification; and Clarissa Smith, author of One for the Girls!: The Pleasures and Practices of Reading Women’s Porn (2007) and lead on a new project on the everyday uses of porn, recently launched at

The workshop will run 1-5pm in the Malet Suite, University of London Union Building, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HY. The event is free but places are limited. To reserve a place, please email Feona Attwood at

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