Thursday, 31 March 2011

The Porn Performing School Secretary

Thanks to Brian for flagging up this story to me. According to reports, a teenager has been suspended from classes after revealing on a Facebook page that an office assistant at his Quebec City-area high school was moonlighting as porn star in her off-hours.

This is such a contrast to UK stories in which the private sexual lives of those working in schools have been exposed and condemned. In this incident, as word of the Facebook page spread around school, the secretary went to her bosses and told them of the situation.

The boy was reportedly asked to take the Facebook page down but said he couldn’t and now cannot access the administration. The school officials seem to be now putting some distance between themselves and the secretary but it's still an encouraging story for not amounting to another knee-jerk reaction.

It also re-raises the issue, which I've previously discussed, about the 'revelation' of our online selves to students/peers. This is increasingly going to be a challenge for schools too. It might always be as newsworthy as being a porn performer, but it could be a cock pic on Gaydar or one's presence on Grindr.

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Anonymous said...

Adults should have a right to a private life. Recently the American Association for Nude Recreation published a Bill of Rights for nudists, which stipulates that "Nudists have the right to be free from adverse actions by their employers as a result of their lawful enjoyment of nudity when away from work."

The same should apply to any lawful activity. It begs the question whether it should apply to unlawful activities, such as being caught speeding, or excessive drinking.

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