Monday, 28 March 2011


The recent announcement by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), the international group that controls Internet domains announced the approval of the 'xxx' domain, meaning that 'pornographic' websites will have a clearer identity rather than merely be '.com' or ''. The Guardian reported that Dot Triple-X will be managed by the online address registering company ICM Registry, which has long fought for a legitimate domain set aside for sexually explicit material on the net.

More than 230,000 pornographic websites have reserved an address ending in .xxx, in anticipation of the eventual approval of the domain name, and the name is expected to go live in June or July of this year. The emergence of the domain has been viewed as an attempt to create an online 'red light district' by some, and the US based group, the Free Speech Coalition has been deeply critical of the move along with much of the porn industry.

These fears appeared to be quickly realised with the announcement by the Indian government that they would block the Dot Triple-X domain. According to The Economic Times, one senior Indian IT Minister commented: "India along with many other countries from the Middle East and Indonesia opposed the grant of the domain in the first place, and we would proceed to block the whole domain, as it goes against the IT Act and Indian laws". He added: "Though some people have said that segregation is better, and some countries allow it. But for other nations transmission and direct distribution of such content goes against their moral and culture."

It's already looking a disastrous move for those who support sexual freedom.

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