Monday, 30 May 2011

Event: Jasbir Puar Lecture, Berlin

A nice treat for Europeans, able to pop along to Berlin next week:

Jasbir Puar
The Cost of Getting Better
Ecologies of Race, Sex, and Disability

This lecture examines the potential for affective connectivities and conviviality to rethink neoliberal stratification. Noting that discourses surrounding queer suicide reproduce problematic assumptions not only about race, class, and gender, but also bodily health, debility, and capacity, Jasbir Puar will be linking Dan Savage’s “It Gets Better” project and related discussions about the recent spate of queer suicides to broader social justice issues about disability as well as theoretical concerns in animal studies and post-humanist studies.

Jasbir Puar is professor and core faculty member in the department of Women’s & Gender Studies at Rutgers University, USA. She is the author of Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times (Duke University Press 2007), which won the 2007 Cultural Studies Book Award from the Association for Asian American Studies. Her edited volumes include a special issue of GLQ entitled “Queer Tourism: Geographies of Globalization” and she co-edited a volume of Society and Space entitled “Sexuality and Space”.

7 June 2011
7:30 pm
In English
ICI Kulturlabor Berlin
ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry
Christinenstr. 18/19, Haus 8
U-Bhf Senefelder Platz (U2)

Wednesday 8 June, 11am-2pm there will be a workshop with Jasbir Puar for those who like to discuss the lecture in more detail.
Location: Institut für Queer Theory, Werbellinstr. 50, Haus 1a (U8 Boddinstr.)
Please register:

The lecture is part of the series
The Subtle Racializations of Sexuality: Queer Theory, the Aftermath of Colonial History, and the Late-Modern State
organized by Antke Engel, Institute for Queer Theory, in cooperation with the ICI Berlin.

Western states happily turn to gender and sexual politics in order to demonstrate their presumed progressiveness. They find support from some parts of feminist and LGBTI activism that regard (neo)liberal state and diversity policies as instrumental for achieving integration and recognition. Such alliances have recently been criticized for fostering new social divisions and endorsing occidentalist and sometimes racist premises. Interested in the nuances of this critique, the lecture series brings together theoretical and political considerations developed from Queers of Color and/or migrant perspectives on late-modern and neoliberal state policies. The speakers will analyze the sexual imaginaries that organize Western publics and develop queer counter narratives. Sara Ahmed, Fatima El Tayeb, Antonia Chao, Drucilla Cornell and Cathy Cohen will be among the next speakers.


The lecture series is organized by Antke Engel, Institute for Queer Theory ( in cooperation with the ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry (, which hosts the series. It is supported by other academic institutions and political organizations in Berlin who co-organize and sponsor individual lectures in the series.

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