Monday, 20 June 2011

Sex Work and Constitutional Law

Interesting research article on sex work and the Canadian constitution. Full access to the article via the link at the bottom.

Rising to the Challenge: Addressing the Concerns of People Working in the Sex Industry Shaver, Lewis & Maticka-Tyndale 2011 Can Rev Sociol 48(1) 47-65

In September 2010, three Canadian Criminal Code provisions related to prostitution were ruled unconstitutional because they increase the risk of harm to people working in the sex industry (PWSI). Using data from studies with PWSI and key informants conducted in several Canadian cities, we examine three domains related to worker health and safety: occupational
health and safety, perceptions of and behaviors toward workers, and access to essential services. Addressing these issues necessitates moving beyond decriminalization. We conclude that using a harm reduction/labor rights framework would enhance our ability to address issues related to the physical, social, and mental well-being as well as rights of PWSI.

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