Yet now the porn blog, The Sword (owned by Naked Sword but with its own voice), seems to also be getting in the hypocrisy naming and shaming act. It may be my imagination but since the start of the new year, the blog seems to have become much more on the ball in highlighting this issue.
We started gently at the end of last year with an interview with the performer, Connor, from Corbin Fisher, performing in one of their new bareback titles (further evidence of the way the porn market - and sexual reality- is moving) (NSFW story link here)
The Sword said: 'There has been a lot of controversy over the “condomless” scenes from Corbin Fisher. Talk about the testing process and why you feel comfortable performing without the use of condoms.'
C: Our testing process is second to none. I can say for myself, since I’ve been a consistently active performer for over four years now, that I have been tested every 30 days of my life for the last four years. We are tested for basically everything, and the company also regularly has us visit and consult with a doctor prior to shoots. We also always get tested a few days before each shoot to rule out any possibilities. I’d imagine the most sterile, controlled environment anyone my age could have sex in would be our sets because of the strict testing.
TS: So is it fair to say that you prefer going bareback?
C: Put it this way…personally, I don’t like watching any porn with condoms. It just doesn’t do it for me, and I watch a lot of porn! The way I see it, porn is here for fantasy, and to let your hair down and see exactly what you want to see. So, if the danger of contracting a disease has been ruled out to the greatest possible extent, why are we worrying about it? I think I can speak for a lot of people when I say, if I could choose it all the time, porn would be sans condoms.
So, this is a sort of 'managed' shift in position. All fine and dandy. Companies that previously resisted bareback now embrace it on economic grounds. Performers now talk of their desire for bareback but is this just marketing, or a revelation of authentic desire?
On 1 January, they celebrate a new bareback scene from Sean Cody - also now amazingly embracing bareback. They wrote (NSFW story link here):
'I guess if you’re gonna do something, you might as well go balls to the wall and do it all. Sean Cody’s first bareback scene last week was nothing compared to this one, a three-way in which everyone (Dennis, Calvin, Jordan) fucks each other, Dennis gets double penetrated and then creampied, and everyone swallows cum. Happy new year! I’m glad that Sean Cody dropped the stupid euphemism (“unwrapped”) and is calling this exactly what it is: A bareback three-way starring three of the site’s best models. Unfortunately, that awful, hypocritical disclaimer still plays at the beginning'
Here's that disclaimer:
Although - like the Corbin Fisher interview - there is an emphasis on testing they put the second part in which amounts to a 'don't try this at home' kind of warning.
Next up, The Sword goes on the attack with Cody Cummings and a bareback video of him with a woman (which they post here - NSFW). They bitchily comment:
'For the company that has staked its reputation on keeping its performers STD free and the company that famously fired Mason Wyler after he contracted HIV, this is a wild and sexy change of pace! Of course, you can’t blame them for allowing one teensy weensy moment of barebacking to slip in when it’s hot as this, and especially when it’s starring gay porn icon Cody Cummings. Because if anyone should be allowed to skirt the rules, it’s our king, Cody. Plus, there’s the aforementioned fact that Cody is having straight bareback sex, with a woman, and everyone knows that it’s always safer to bareback when it’s with a girl. The Sword salutes Next Door Studios for giving their #1 star Cody Cummings the freedom to perform as he chooses—raw and unprotected. Fingers crossed that he doesn’t catch anything!'
Wow, it's a change of pace for Corbin Fisher, and - I think - a change of pace for Naked Sword too as they start to highlight these changes and continued hypocrisies.
As the 'gay' studios embrace bareback sex, it also creates a headache for long-standing bare backs studios such as Treasure Island Media. They are featured in the new issue of Desert Knight News (see here - safe link) talking about their 'vision'/'mission' and this is increasingly important rather than simply defining themselves as bareback. It's nothing new - and the message is one familiar to those who know the company well but they are now clearly putting it out there in a bid to define their niche more closely. They do not, for example, 'make porn', they don't 'direct guys' (although some scenes suggest this does come in - especially from Liam Cole) but the Morris pure ideology is one of providing a natural habitat in which men can play and be observed. The arousal comes in witnessing raw 'authentic' desire on display. No hypocrisy from these guys but we'll see who The Sword goes for next...
Revised 21.33 4/1/12
Very interesting subject Chris! I posted a similar post just the other day. The link is http://confessionsofabarebacksaunaslut.bestmalediaries.com/?p=1069 (Please note this is NSFW - and the site contains XXX images).
My posting came about from a personal experience, but the hypocrisy is still the same.
Wonder what you're readers think?
Thanks for posting the link Josh. I hope my readers check it out.
I find the bareback trend on so-called 'mainstream' gay porn sites, especially those featuring allegedly 'straight' college aged guys, extremely disturbing. The producers maintain that their models never use condoms in their personal lives since they are 'straight' (if so, it speaks volumes about their respect for their women partners). Too many guys watch porn and have a 'monkey see, monkey do' response. Hopefully some smart lawyer will come up with a good theory of liability to put them all out of business.
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