Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Book Launch Event: Policing Sex

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for Policing Sex edited by Paul Johnson and Derek Dalton

Thursday 17th May 2012 at 6.15pm
Birkbeck, University of London (room location to be confirmed)

Short talks by Chris Ashford, Mary Laing, Leslie J. Moran, Jo Moran-Ellis and Murray Perkins prior to an open discussion, followed by a wine reception.

The editors and authors of Policing Sex would be delighted if you would join us for a discussion of some of the issues raised in this fascinating new book that focuses attention on an important area of contemporary operational policing: the regulation of consensual sexual practices.

Despite the high-level public visibility of, and debate about, policing in relation to violent and abusive sexual crimes (from child sexual abuse to adult rape) very little public or scholarly attention is paid to the policing of consensual sexual practices in contemporary societies.

The book collects together essays by a well known and respected group of academics, from a range of disciplines, that explore the role of the police in shaping the boundaries of that aspect of our lives that we imagine to be most intimate and most our own. It presents a ‘snap shot’ of policing in respect of a number of diverse areas – such as public sex, pornography, and sex work – and considers how sexual orientation structures police responses to them.

The book aims to promote discussion of how policing is implicated in the social, moral and political landscape of sex and, contrary to the established rhetoric of politicians and criminal justice practitioners, continues to intervene in the private lives of citizens.

Policing Sex contains essays by: Chris Ashford (Reader in Law and Society at the University of Sunderland), Derek Dalton (Senior Lecturer in Criminology at Flinders University, Australia), Paul Johnson (Anniversary Reader in Sociology at the University of York), Mary Laing (Lecturer in Criminology at Northumbria University), Dave McDonald (PhD candidate in Criminology at the University of Melbourne, Australia), Leslie J. Moran (Professor of Law at Birkbeck, University of London), Jo Moran-Ellis (Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Surrey), Murray Perkins (Senior Examiner at the British Board of Film Classification), Antonia Quadara(Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne, Australia), Teela Sanders (Reader in Sociology at the University of Leeds), André Smith (Assistant Professor at the University of Victoria, Canada), Kevin Walby (Assistant Professor at the University of Victoria, Canada).

The event is free but if you wish to attend please send an email to so that we can advise you of the exact location at Birkbeck once it is confirmed.

Policing Sex is published by Routledge.

Full details, including table of contents, available here: 

Paperback £28.99 ISBN: 978-0-415-66806-4
 Hardback £90 ISBN: 978-0-415-66805-7

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