Friday, 25 May 2012

Where will Hospital Parking Charges Lead? Bonking in Cars Of Course!

Whenever a hospital puts up charges for visiting and staff parking, there's usually a local paper story along the line soy 'where will this lead?'  The Telegraph provides us with an answer. According to the paper, locals living in the shadow of Darent Valley Hospital in Dartford, Kent, have reported a string of incidents of 'lewd behaviour' after spotting NHS staff in uniform romping in their cars. Residents of Powell Avenue - just a three minute walk from the 478-bed hospital - say they are 'disgusted' at the antics of some staff.

A number of locals have called police to report nurses, technicians, support workers and cleaners 'going at it like rabbits' in their cars. Staff started parking in the road - which is free to park on - after hospital chiefs slashed the number of parking spaces available in the hospital car park for the 2,400 staff last May. The paper goes on to 'reveal' that  police are now stepping up patrols on the road after taking a number of calls from concerned locals.

I love the idea that Daren't Valley Hospital have modelled themselves on a  Carry on Film.  Oooo what a lovely looking pear!

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