I don't think that was their intention in this piece but hey ho. They report that the 'Town centre public toilets closed amid claims of lewd behaviour between men cruising for sex, have now re-opened.'
They do manage to talk to one 'source' who is suitably outraged. Unfortunately, it seems they were outraged that the toilet was closed rather than being upset at any alleged rampant naughtiness.
According to the private-sector toilet managers: “Due to vandalism we’re getting the toilets refurbished. They needed to be closed but I’m not at liberty to say anything more about why. We were asked by the local authority to close them.” A spokeswoman for Denbighshire County Council said the toilets were the responsibility of GFM but that: “Apparently there has been repeated attacks of unsavoury graffiti and damage to the cubicle partitions.”
So, they've presumably been strengthening the walls to prevent the construction of glory holes, through which a man can observe a man and/or dependent on the size of the hole (and indeed one's appendage) a penis might be placed typically for oral-based encounters and in extremely rare examples of physical flexibility, anal penetration. The graffiti however seems to have been of less concern to the toilet managers for - as the paper reports - it remains. Apparently so shocking we'll never know what it looks like unless we go see ourselves. Road trip anyone?
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