Thursday, 8 November 2012

Out and About

I'm sometimes where I'm next going to be out and about (often, by would-be burglars).  I've accepted a couple of invites to speak next year, so hopefully see some of you at one of these events:

I'll be speaking as part of the Newcastle Law School Seminar Series entitled 'Law, Families, Personal Life:  New Reflections'.  I'm speaking on Thursday 7 February at 4pm in Seminar Room 3 in the Law School.  My presentation is entitled:   ‘Family and the Homonormative: Where Now for Queer Legal Identities?’

For further details contact: Suzanne Johnson, Newcastle Law School, Newcastle University, 21-24 Windsor Terrace, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU. Tel: 0191 222 8637 e.mail

Then, on Saturday April 6th, I'll be over at Staffordshire University.  I'm speaking as part of the Staffordshire University Law School Centre for Family Law and Policy Annual Family Law Seminar.  My provision title is the very original:  â€˜Family and the Homonormative: Where Now for Queer Legal Identities?’.  You may have seen it used elsewhere...

I'll post more details about that next year.  If you organise a charity, community or academic event, I'm always willing to speak if I can fit in my diary, and providing my expenses are covered.  Don't be afraid of getting in touch:

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