Publications & Presentations
Publications available on SSRN here.
a) Books
Ashford, C (2013) Public Sex and the Law: Silent Desire (Abingdon and New York: Routledge-Cavendish) (240pp) ISBN: 978-0-415-55287-5 (under contract).
b) Book Chapters/Contributions
Ashford, C (2012) ‘Dogging Diaries and Cameras in the Cruising Ground’, in I.Rivers and R.Ward, Out of the Ordinary: Representations of LGBT Lives (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing) (under contract).
Ashford, C (2012) ‘Heterosexuality, Public Places and Policing’, in P.Johnson and D.Dalton, Policing Sex (Abingdon and New York: Routledge) (under contract).
Ashford, C (2012) 'Dissertations' in Pearson's Legal Skills Database (Harlow: Pearson)
Ashford, C (2009) ‘Tearoom Trade’ in J.A. O’Brien, Encyclopedia of Gender and Society (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage). ISBN: 978-1-412-90916-7.
c) Edited Works
Ashford, C (2011) ‘Sexualities and the Law’, Special Issue, Sexualities 14(3).
Ashford, C (2010) ‘Socio-Legal perspectives on Gender, Sexuality and Law’, Special Issue, Liverpool Law Review, 31(1).
Ashford, C and James, H (2009) ‘Legal Education Special Issue’, Web Journal of Current Legal Issues, 3.
Ashford, C and O’Brien (2008) ‘Virtual Lives: Relationships Between the Citizen and Society’, Special Issue, Information & Communications Technology Law, 17(3).
Ashford, C and O’Brien, M (2008) ‘Privacy and the Public/Private Divide’, Special Issue, Information & Communications Technology Law 17(1).
Ashford, C and James, H (2008) ‘Legal Education Special Issue’, Web Journal of Current Legal Issues, 2.
Ashford, C and O’Brien, M (2006) Internet Rights, Internet Wrongs’, Special Issue, Information & Communications Technology Law 15(3).
Ashford, C and O’Brien (2005) ‘Rights, Identity and Regulation in Cyberspace’, Special Issue, Information & Communications Technology Law, 14(2).
Ashford, C and O’Brien, M (2003) ‘New Technologies, New Frontiers: Modern Challenges in the Cyber Age’, Special Issue, Information & Communications Technology Law, 12(3).
d) Peer Reviewed Articles
Ashford, C (2010) ‘Barebacking and the Cult of ‘Violence’: Queering the Criminal Law’, Journal of Criminal Law, 74(4): 339.
Ashford, C (2010) ‘Socio-Legal Perspectives on Gender, Sexuality and Law’, Liverpool Law Review, 31(1): 1.
Ashford, C (2009) ‘Queer Theory, Cyber-Ethnographies and Researching Online Sex Environments’, Information and Communications Technology Law, 18(3) 297.
Ashford, C (2009) ‘Legal Education in Practice: An Initial Survey’, Web Journal of Current Legal Issues 3
Ashford, C (2009) ‘Male Sex Work and the Internet Effect: Time to Re-evaluate the Criminal Law?’, Journal of Criminal Law 73(3) 258
Ashford, C (2008) ‘Sex Work in Cyberspace: Who Pays the Price?’ 17(1) Information and Communications Technology Law, 3.
Ashford, C (2007) ‘Sexuality and the Criminal Law: The Cottaging Phenomenon’, 71(6) Journal of Criminal Law, 506.
Ashford, C (2007) ‘From Baghdad to Sunderland: Weblogs and Reflective Learning, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Blog’, 41 (2) The Law Teacher 206.
Ashford, C (2006) ‘The Only Gay in the Village: Sexuality and the Net, 13, 3 Information and Communications Technology Law, 275.
Ashford, C (2006) ‘The 21st Century Law School: Choices, Challenges and Opportunities Ahead’, Web Journal of Current Legal Issues 3.
Ashford, C (2005) ‘Law, Film and the Student Experience’, Web Journal of Current Legal Issues, 4.
O’Brien, M and Ashford, C (2005) ‘Rights, Identity and Regulation in Cyberspace’,14 Information and Communications Technology Law 81.
Ashford, C (2004) ‘Legal Education and the Academic-Commercial Nexus’, 38/1 The Law Teacher 80.
O’Brien, M and Ashford, C (2003) ‘New Technologies, New Frontiers: Modern Challenges in the Cyber Age’ (2003) 12 Information and Communications Technology Law 2003.
O’Brien, M and Ashford, C (2002-3) ‘Tribal Groups in Modern Britain: Legal Theory, Legal Practice and Human Rights’, 6 Contemporary Issues in Law 180.
e) Book Reviews
Ashford, C (2011) 'Gender, Sexualities and Law' Feminist Legal Studies 19(3) 297-299.
Ashford, C (2011) 'Film and the Law: The Cinema of Justice' (2nd ed), SCOLAG: Legal Journal, 409: 266.
Ashford, C (2011) ‘Sex Offender and Preventative Detention: Politics, Policy and Practice’, SCOLAG: Legal Journal, 404: 155.
Ashford, C (2010) ‘Legal Responses to HIV and AIDS’, 390, SCOLAG: Legal Journal, 390: 90.
Ashford, C (2010) ‘Sex Offender and Preventative Detention: Politics, Policy and Practice’, The Law Teacher: The International Journal of Legal Education, 44(2): 238.
Ashford, C (2010) ‘Violence and Sex Work in Britain’, The Law Teacher: The International Journal of Legal Education, 44(1): 104.
Ashford, C (2009) ‘Transforming Legal Education: Learning and Teaching the Law in the Early Twenty-First Century’ The Law Teacher: The International Journal of Legal Education 43(3): 316.
Ashford, C (2009) ‘Human Rights Act Toolkit’, The Law Teacher: The International Journal of Legal Education, 43(3) 325
Ashford, C (2008) ‘Paying for Pleasure’, The Law Teacher: The International Journal of Legal Education, 42(2): 374.
Ashford, C (2008) ‘Gender and Justice’, The Law Teacher: The International Journal of Legal Education, 42(1): 132.
Ashford, C (2008) ‘Crime Online’, The Law Teacher: The International Journal of Legal Education, 42(1): 142.
Ashford, C (2007) ‘Key Concepts in Law’ and ‘Osborn’s Concise Law Dictionary’, The Law Teacher: The International Journal of Legal Education, 41(2): 244.
Ashford, C (2007) ‘Media Freedom Under the Human Rights Act’, The Law Teacher: The International Journal of Legal Education, 41(1): 128.
Ashford, C (2007) ‘Policing, Race and Racism’, The Law Teacher: The International Journal of Legal Education, 41(1): 132.
Ashford, C (2007) ‘E-commerce Law’, The Law Teacher: The International Journal of Legal Education, 41(1): 115.
Ashford, C (2005) ‘The Essentials of Human Rights’, The Law Teacher: The International Journal of Legal Education, 39(3): 403.
Ashford, C (2004) ‘Transforming the Law’, The Law Teacher: The International Journal of Legal Education, 38(3): 421.
Ashford, C (2004) ‘The Role of the Legal Information Officer’, The Law Teacher: The International Journal of Legal Education, 38(2): 282.
f) Conferences/Research Seminars
Ashford, C, Notes From a Porn Island: Queer Identities and Documenting Legal Truth(s) in the Age of Treasure Island Media, Law and Society Annual Conference, San Francisco, USA, May 2011.
Ashford, C, ‘Queer Theory, Cyber-Ethnographies and Researching Online Sex Environments’, Law and Society Annual Conference, Chicago, USA, May 2010.
Ashford, C, ‘Notes from a Porn Island: Barebacking Bloggers and the Utopian Pirates of San Francisco’, Mediated Sexualities One Day Conference, Sunderland, April 2010.
Ashford, C, ‘Queer Reflections on Barebacking and the Cult of Violence’, Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, Bristol, March 2010.
Ashford, C, ‘Public Sex and the Law: A UK Perspective’, Society for the Study of Social Problems Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, August 2009.
Ashford, C ‘Revisiting the Silent Community: Public Sex Environments in New York City and the Information Society’, Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, Leicester, April 2009.
Ashford, C, ‘Researching Online Sex Environments’, Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, Leicester, April 2009.
Ashford, C ‘Male for Male Sex Work and the Internet Effect: A UK Perspective’, Law and Society Association of Australia and New Zealand Annual Conference, Sydney, Australia, December 2008.
Ashford, C, ‘Public Sex and the Law’, Becoming or Unbecoming? Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Research in the 21st Century, UCU One Day Conference, Newcastle, November 2008.
Ashford, C, ‘The TFR is Dead, Long Live the TFR!’, Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, London, September 2008.
Ashford, C, ‘Policing Cyber Prostitution –A UK Perspective’, Law and Society Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, May-June 2008.
Ashford, C, ‘Policing at the Boundaries: Public Sex Environments and the Law – A UK Perspective’, Law and Society Association of Australia and New Zealand Annual Conference, Melbourne, Australia, November 2007.
Ashford, C and O’Brien, M, ‘Subcultures, Public Order and the Human Rights Zeitgeist’, Law and Society Annual Meeting, Berlin, Germany, June 2007 (sole presenter).
Ashford, C, ‘Sexuality, Public Space and Legal Control in the Cyber Age’, Canadian Law and Society Association, Canadian Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 76th Congress, Saskatoon, Canada, May-June 2007.
Ashford, C, ‘Revisiting the Silent Community: Public Sex Encounters and the Law’, Internal Seminar, University of Sunderland, May 2007.
Ashford, C, ‘Blogging and the Student Experience’, Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, Keele, September 2006.
Ashford, C and O’Brien, M, ‘Sexuality, Cyberspace and Legal Control’, Law and Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, United States, June 2006 (sole presenter).
Ashford, C, ‘Cyberwhores and Cyber-rent: Who Pays the Price? Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, Stirling, March 2006.
Ashford, C, ‘Law on Film: The Student Experience’, Learning in Law Initiative Annual Conference, Warwick, January 2006.
Ashford, C, ‘The Future’s Bright, the Future’s Academic?, Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, The University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, September 2005.
Ashford, C, ‘Private Acts in Public Places: Sexuality and the Net’, Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, Liverpool, April 2005.
Ashford, C and Jenkins, J, ‘Crossing the Frontier: From Law Firms to Academia’, Learning in Law Initiative Annual Conference, Warwick, January 2005.
Ashford, C, ‘The 21st Century Law School’, Internal Seminar, University of Sunderland, January 2005.
Ashford, C, ‘The 21st Century Law School: Choices and Challenges Ahead’, Internal Seminar, University of Sunderland, November 2004.
Ashford, C, ‘Clementi and the Future of Legal Education’, Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, Sheffield, September 2004.
Ashford, C, ‘Lowering the Drawbridge: Ways Forward for the Legal and Academic Professions’, Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, Glasgow, April 2004
Ashford, C, ‘The Future of Legal Education within Private Practice - implications for HE & FE’, Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, Oxford, September 2003.
Ashford, C, ‘E-democracy: Reflections’, Guest Research Seminar, Sheffield Hallam University, June 2003.
O’Brien, M and Ashford, C, ‘Tribal Groups’ in Modern Britain: Legal Theory, Legal Practice and Human Rights’, Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, Nottingham, April 2003 (joint presenters).
Ashford, C, ‘Legal Education: The View from the Front Line’, Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, Nottingham, April 2003.
g) Additional Academic Output
Ashford, C (2011) 'Route Minders', The Lawyer, 19 September.
Ashford, C (2011) '(Homo)normative Legal Discourses and the Queer Challenge', 1(1) Durham Law Review 77-98.
Ashford, C (2010) ‘Beyond Dead Tress and Defining the University ‘Experience’’, Directions in Legal Education, Spring, 12.
Ashford, C (2008) ‘Time to Throw Off the Profession’s Shackles?’, The Reporter, Spring, 5.
Ashford, C (2006) ‘Blogging, Reflection and Student Assessment’, Directions in Legal Education, Spring 6.
Ashford, C (2005) ‘A quarrel far away? The Training Framework Review and the Undergraduate Law School’, Directions in Legal Education, Autumn, 11.
Ashford, C (2004) ‘Tesco Law and Legal Education’, Directions in Legal Education, Autumn, 14.
Ashford, C (2003) ‘Are we MAD: Introducing Mooting and Debating at a Law Firm’, Directions in Legal Education, Autumn, 17.
Ashford, C (2003) ‘Legal Education in Practice’, Directions in Legal Education, Spring, 17.
h) Non-Academic/Mainstream Media Publications
Ashford, C (2011) 'After Equality', Huffington Post, 23 November.
Ashford, C (2011) ‘Bareback Porn’, Bent Magazine, June.
Ashford, C (2011) 'The Long Legal Shadow of Section 28', July:
Ashford, C (2011) ‘Queer Truth(s) and the Gay Media’, Freedom in a Puritan Age, April:
Ashford, C (2011) ‘Vanquishing Vice?’, Freedom in a Puritan Age, March:
Ashford, C (2010) ‘Public Toilets and the Limits of Freedom’,
Ashford, C (2010) ‘The Bareback Porn Renegades’,
i) Invited Guest Lectures/Seminars
‘Private Acts in Public Places? Socio-Legal Constructions of Public Sex Identities in the ‘real’ and ‘virtual’ Scotland’, LGBT Lives ESRC Seminar, Glasgow, May 2009.
‘Student Blogs in Legal Learning’, York Law School, University of York, November 2008.
‘Public Sex and the Law’, Society of Sexual Health Advisors Annual Conference, Newcastle, September 2008
‘Law on Film’, UKCLE, Creativity and the Law Curriculum, Aston University, Birmingham, June 2008.
‘From Baghdad to Sunderland: An Introduction to Blogs’, Open University, Milton Keynes, 3 December 2007.
'After the Hurricane: Ways Forward in the Training of Solicitors', Open University, Milton Keynes, 6 June 2007.
‘Collaborative Learning: Blogging in Legal Education’, UKCLE, ‘Enhancing Learning in Law through Web-Based Technology’, Aston University, Birmingham, September 2006.
‘The Modern Legal Apprenticeship’, UKCLE, ‘From Northumbria to Bologna: alternative routes to qualification in law’’, St Hugh’s College, Oxford, May 2004.
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