While I've been away, Pink News has had a makeover and on their crisp new pages there is a story concerning the CNN reporter Richard Quest. If like me you've spent time in hotel rooms around the world and found yourself searching for something to watch on TV in the evening, you probably will have come across him. He presents a great travel show on CNN which is aimed as business travellers. Anyway, he's now found himself in what Pink News calls a "compromising position". On the face of it, this story is the usual sensationalist tittle tattle but it raises some interesting questions. According to the site 'Richard Quest, 46, was arrested at around 3:40 a.m. after a cop spotted him and another man inside New York's Central park, a police source said.' It adds that he was 'found with a rope around his neck that was tied to his genitals.' Yet the reason he was before a Manhattan court was because he was in possession of methamphetamine.
At a hearing in Manhattan Criminal Court, Quest agreed to undergo six months of drug counseling in return for an "adjournment in contemplation of dismissal."
Yet, what is the more damaging news? Is it the offence that led to him appearing before the court (the drugs) or the story element that means it's reported on sites like Pink News (the sex)?
I for one hope this does not diminish that famous smile of Richard's and he continues to have a thriving career with CNN.
You can watch Richard doing his programme at: http://edition.cnn.com/CNNI/Programs/business.traveller/
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