Depressing news for all those hoping for a Democrat victory in November- Hillary won Pennsylvania last night. As much as I loath the woman I have to say she seems to have been listening to advice like that which has regularly featured on this blog, for her to raise her LGBT focus. In the run up to the Pennsylvania primary she unveiled a 71 member LGBT committee comprising of:
David Adamany, John Alchin, Toeknee Bailey, Autumn Bayles, Steve Black, Dan Brooks, John Casavecchia, Troy Cassel, Colleen Cooke, Geri Delevich, Romulo L. (Romy) Diaz Jr., Julie Dickson, Steve Dorko, Brian J. Dorsey, Carl Engleke, Jim Epstein, Bill Gehrman, Renee Gilinger, Nachum Golan, Mel Heifetz, Tom Hess, Michael Hinson, Rob Hopkins, Harvey Hurdle, Joshua Jack, Michael Johnson, Marlene Kanuck, Sharyn Keiser, Brent Kintzing, Melissa Kolczynski, Carson Kressley, Chris Labonte, Kevin Lee, Steve Lucas, Brian McGuckin, Miglino, Jim Mikula, Mark Mitchell, Carl Nelson, Rev. Eva O'Diam, Jon Oriole, Randall Palmer, Eric Poal, Mindy M. Posoff, Matthew Ray, Katrina Reichert, Eric Reid, Brad Richards, Michael Rickard, Pedro J. Rivera, Keith Robinson, Sandy Santello, Martin D. Sellers, Doug Shaps, Claire Shaw, Nurit Shein, James A. Simmons, Joseph Sinkus, Michael D. Soileau, Tami Sortman, Paul Steinke, Gary A. Van Horn, Jr., JJ VanName, Brian Weiner, Michael Weiss, Frank Werner, TJ Wilson, Matthew Woodcock, Bruce Yelk, Kevin Yoder, and David A. Zwifka. (The Advocate)
It's an impressive list and throws down the gauntlet to Obama. Read the full story at: http://www.gay.com/news/article.html?2008/04/14/5
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