The New Hampshire paper Concord Monitor in the USA has a story concerning a series of arrests for cruising. The paper reports that 'the police arrested five men. [Two]were charged with criminal trespass, indecent exposure and disorderly conduct on Friday, after officers found them engaging in oral sex near the parking lot, according to Detective Sgt. Nick Pinardi. A third man... was found watching them and was charged with criminal trespass, the police said.
[Two more men] were arrested later in the weekend and charged with criminal trespass. According to Pinardi, the police witnessed one of the men pulling his pants up when they approached the two men in the woods near the lot.'
It's interesting to note the police claim this is a response to complaints and growing amounts of litter. Essentially, people are not claiming about public sex, they are complaining about the consequences of public sex. Rather than arresting people, efforts should be focused upon encouraging people not to leave this sort of litter.
The story also points to the use of the Internet and notes the listing of this location on one cruising site. This issue has been the focus of my own research and the revelation of locations via this medium seems to be increasingly reported. I've noticed in many dogging postings (an act typically involving "straight" couples) in the UK that people are very reluctant to publicly revealing locations now leading to a debate within the cruising community as to how information can be shared effectively so as to enable encounters to still occur but not endanger cruising/dogging locations.
Read the story at: http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080422/NEWS01/804220366
If anyone wants references for my stuff on this give me a shout at chris.ashford@sunderland.ac.uk
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