A story appeared in the Sunderland Echo this week that had a strange timing. A couple of weeks ago I was meeting a friend in Sunderland for coffee and walking there he flagged up a bar to me - Retox. In particular, a banner outside which stated "Retox under new management! Now straight! Top totty dancers on match days". Apparently, the bar had tried
to be 100% gay but hadn't attracted enough punters for the venture to work. So what else to do? You turn straight. Now that's mildly interesting in itself but I was slightly horrified by the banner. I found it insulting but I wouldn't go further, certainly not as far as offensive. Yet the story in the Echo indicates that one person did find it offensive. Messages were left in gay chat rooms stating the banner was offensive and one person actually phoned the police to complain and in a statement to the Echo, Northumbria Police said: "Police are currently working with Sunderland Arch to find an appropriate solution to this complaint." Ironically this story is the best thing that could happen to retox. Manly straight boys can now enter without fear of encountering a homosexual. Hurrah!
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