'The need for a lgbt rights organisation continues as we face a period of growing uncertainty. With the election of the first Conservative Government for 13 years; The appointment of a homophobic Equality Minister; An dramatic increase in homophobic attacks and murders; the prospect of funding cuts to lgbt support groups and other organisations; cuts to HIV+ Aids health care provision not to mention the emergence of organised Evangelical Christian lobbyists… the list is endless. And we need an organisation to fight back not only to defend what rights we have won in the recent past but also to fight for true equality in society and not just in law.
The 2010 OutRage! Annual Conference will be an opportunity to re-launch, revitalise and democratise the organisation to agree our strategy for the months ahead and to agree what should be our campaign priorities.
REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Please register for the conference for free by email at outrageconference@googlemail.com
Please Note: Conference Arrangements Committee. There will be a Conference Arrangements Committee to oversee the organisation of the Conference, if you would be interested in helping us with this please contact the Conference Organiser via email at outrageconference@googlemail.com
I'm hoping I might be able to make it along to this. In any case, I welcome any continued activity by this grass roots organisation and their continued radicalism and passion. I wish that Stonewall would look at what OutRage is doing and take more positive action to re-connect with its roots.
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