Monday, 4 April 2011

Event: Girls, Sexuality and Sexualisation: Beyond Sensationalism and Spectacle

Readers may be interested in the following event:

Girls, Sexuality and Sexualisation: Beyond Sensationalism and Spectacle

Date: 30th June 2011

Venue: Cardiff University (School of Social Sciences, Glamorgan Building, Committee Rooms 1&2)


10.00-10.15 Registration

10.15 – 1030 Introduction and welcome

(Meg Barker, Ros Gill, Emma Renold and Jessica Ringrose)

10.30-11.30 Theorising and researching teen-girls’ sexual cultures in an era of sexualisation: beyond the moral panic

(Dr. Emma Renold, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University and Dr. Jessica Ringrose, Institute of Education, University of London)

11.30-12.30 Sexualisation, Splitting and Innocence as Reparation

(Danielle Egan, Professor and Coordinator of Gender and Sexuality Studies

St. Lawrence University, New York)

12.30-1.30 LUNCH

1.30-2.30 “Don't do what I did”: parental sex education, memories and 'sexualisation'

(Laura Harvey, Department of Psychology, Open University)

2.30-3.30 “Studying sexual desire and expectations in girls and young women: Methodological dilemmas and opportunities.”

(Dr. Sara McClleland, Psychology & Women's Studies, University of Michigan)

3.30-3.45 Refreshments

3.45 – 4.45 Definitions, discourses and dilemmas: policy and academic engagement with the sexualisation of culture

(Dr. Maddy Coy, Child and Women Abuse Studies Unit, London Metropolitan University)

4.45 – 5.30 Discussion

(Discussant: Professor Valerie Walkerdine, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University)

Participation details:

Places are limited for this event and need to be booked in advance. Please contact for further information.

To find out more about this seminar series see:

For details of the forthcoming 2011 international 2 day conference, Complicating Debates About the 'Sexualisation of Culture' see:

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