Friday, 13 May 2011

New Journal: feminists@law

I'm really excited to share the news that a new journal ahs launched, called feminists@law. It's peer-reviewed, online, open access journal of feminist legal scholarship. You can view the journal at:

The first issue features an article on the association between feminist and open access movements by Carys Craig, Joseph Turcotte and Rosemary Coombe; reflections by Drucilla Cornell on the 20th anniversary of the publication of Beyond Accommodation: Ethical Feminism, Deconstruction and the Law; thoughts on current and future agendas for feminist legal studies from Africa, Europe, North and South America and Australia; and a video of a roundtable discussion with Brenna Bhandar, Julia Chryssostalis, Elena Loizidou and Janice Richardson on the ‘past’, ‘present’ and ‘future’ of feminist legal scholarship.

feminists@law aims to publish critical, interdisciplinary, theoretically engaged scholarship that extends feminist debates and analyses relating to law and justice (broadly conceived). It has a particular interest in critical and theoretical approaches and perspectives that draw upon postcolonial, transnational and poststructuralist work. They intend to publish material in a range of print and multimedia formats and in English and other languages. They also state that they are committed to an international perspective, to the promotion of feminist work in all areas of law and justice, and to making that work widely available through open access publishing. The journal plan to publish two issues per year, but each issue will be built incrementally, meaning that new articles will be posted as soon as they are ready for publication.

Registration with the journal will enable you to submit articles for consideration, to receive automatic email updates when new issues are published, and to indicate an interest in acting as a reviewer for the journal. You can also receive journal updates via RSS, facebook and twitter.

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