A one-day conference for academics, researchers and activists conducting research on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans issues and / or lives. 18th May 2012, 10.30am – 4.30pm London South Bank University It has been 3 years since we gathered at Northumbria University for the „Becoming or Unbecoming‟ LGB and T research conference in November 2008. That conference was the second of its kind following “Lesbian and Gay Lives in Focus” conference in London in December 2000.

The 2012 Conference seeks to bring together academics, researchers and activists from across the country to look at the state of LGB and T research, to chart a way forward and to bridge the gap between academia and activism. It follows a commitment from UCU Congress 2010 to support such a conference every three years in order to promote L, G, B and T studies. Papers are sought in nine broad areas or categories and should address key issues within one of these areas/categories. The issues/topic identified in each category is not an exhaustive list and we encourage you to identify an issue/topic if it does not appear in your chosen category of discussion.
Education and Development Papers in this area can cover
- LGB and / or T issues in schools, colleges and universities, including as a workplace
- visibility in the curriculum
- working with the teachers
- learning and development for LGB and / or T people throughout life
Health, Wellbeing and Sport Health issues affect many LGB and T people and papers can address a wide range of health issues including
- age;
- HIV, AIDS and other sexual health matters;
- psychological dimensions of health,
- LGB and / or T people as carers – both professional and within families and friendship networks; wellbeing including fitness and spiritual health;
- workplace wellbeing;
- LGB and / or T in sport.
Heritage and Action It is important to understand where we have been and how heritage informs activism;
- histories of activism;
- heritage and memory projects;
- lobbying efforts and campaigns.
Households, Families and Relationships Papers can address all aspects of domestic life with a focus on
- experiences of caring from LGB and / or T households;
- impact of diverse households on society;
- how LGB and / or T people lived in households historically;
- the diversity of relationships;
- alternative family models;
- LGB and / or T parenting including fostering and adoption.
Homo and Trans phobia: Here we wish for papers to
- explore homo and / or trans phobias both in and out of the work place;
- language issues;
- attitudes;
- challenging vs. preventing;
- conceptualisation of homo and / or trans phobia and
- exploring what if anything, homo and / or trans phobia has done for us
- international comparisons and projects
Identity: Identity is a wide area and papers can address
- both psychological and non-psychological perspectives;
- in-depth identification from the perspective of the individual;
- gender diasporas
LGB and T People: Papers should explore who are we?
- people in the mainstream;
- people on the margins;
- people on the margins of the mainstream;
- anthropological and sociological perspectives that includes a focus on equality groups age; disability; faith; gender; race ).
- being counted – data collection and demographics
Policy and Law Over the years leading up to the Equality Act 2010 equality and anti discrimination
- legislation shaped activism and experience
- historical and international perspectives
- hierarchies
- emergence of rights and the implications for LGB and / or T people
- crime, deviance, disorder, liberation and / or normality?
Theory This area seeks to highlight new ways of thinking and theorising;
- rethinking and reconceptualising coming and being out and LGB and T experiences more generally; relationships between activism, socio-economics, queer and other identity related theories.
Proposals (of no more than 500 words) should be sent by e mail to the conference co-ordinators (Antoine Rogers and Seth Atkin) e mail: arac@london.com More information including application form for the conference will be sent out at a later date. Deadline for Proposals is: 4pm Wednesday 29th February
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