I would rather shamelessly like to be on the list but compared to the excellent @JaneFae or @parisLees and @Benjamincohen - I am looking slightly less buoyant in my chances than the Titanic post iceberg incident.

Nonetheless, if you would like to nominate me (and frankly, why wouldn't you?) you just need to tweet '@lawandsexuality #pinkpeople11' and voting closes at 5pm on 16 December. Full details here.
Jane raises some really interesting thoughts in her post about our twitter identities. Followers will perhaps be relieved that my Strictly Come Dancing #scd tweets will come to an end next week with the final. Others will perhaps be disappointed. As I've used twitter more, I've relaxed more about how I use it. I do blow off steam, I do share the good moments and the bad. I do post deeply academic stuff, I share information about the work of others and I promote my own research. I also talk the occasional (or often) bit of drivel, I also talk about television, music, films and rather boring details of my life. Why? Well this is me. I'm not (hopefully) just some dull academic tweeting about some marvellous and important law and sexuality story because let's be honest, that would be helpful but dull. Alas, topless photographs of me are likely to deter followers rather than bring them in, and so being open, frank and willing to engage in debate are the values and characteristics that I can offer as an academic and a member of the twitterverse.
I'm not why anyone follows me, but I do know that the amazing conversations I have with people who stumble upon through these different strands of interest make up a richness to my role as a public academic, and as a member (subject to confirmation) of the human race.
I think you're a great tweeter, Chris! Very varied and very much yourself, as much as anyone can be online.
Nobody has yet criticised the name of this damned list - why 'Pink'?
Do trans people, bi people, lesbians, identify with the 'pink' colour? Or even some gay men?
Pink news, pink pound, pink lists, it is all ignoring that great big pink elephant in the room - that 'gay' identities are old hat now.
I think we should have a metrosexual tweeters list and me, and Mark Simpson, and Harry Judd and Mikey Sorrentino could battle it out for the golden torso.
Really interesting point Elly. I suspect -although I'm sure it would be denied - it's because the 'T' is often an extra bolted on out of political correctness rather than a truly representative agenda. The 'coalition' arguments around LGBT are well rehearsed.
Like the Metrosexual idea but why a torso?!
because metrosexuality is all about tits and abs:
sorry try this link. anyway you know what I mean! :S
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