Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Schools OUT Conference

Readers with an interest in education may be interested in this event - particularly if you are a school teacher. As always the Schools OUT Conference will be held on the first Saturday of February 2012. It is entitled: Educating OUT Prejudice through the LGBT Lens. Featuring the Classroom, The Rainbow Project and presenters and speakers from the other protected characteristics, the Conference will be rich in resources and ideas for practitioners in the classroom and stakeholders in education.

To register call the Drill Hall box office: 020 7307 5060

Until Jan 26 2012 Student or Unemployed £10, Retired £15 Individual £40 Organisation £50
After Jan 26, 2012 Student or unemployed £15 Retired £20 Individual £50 Organisation £60 


Celebrating our new website the Classroom Gender Intelligence, Mermaids and GIRES will explore how to challenge the concept of binary gender Disability History Month will explore challenging disability HMI/Ofsted will explore how we can use the curriculum to celebrate diversity Workshops will explore the lesson plans on the website and there will be an opportunity to view the Rainbow Project films and hear from young people how they are working on the issues the usual chance to network and Schools out AGM vote in the new committee

More information here.

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