Saturday, 24 March 2012

Dogging Round-Up

A number of 'dogging' stories have appeared in the media in recent days - or so they initially seem.  First off, let's visit Las Yucas Beach in Benalmadena Costa, Spain.  Euro Weekly reports that: 'action taken by Benalmadena Council to stop perverts having sex on a local beach has been declared a firm success.'

They go on to say that: 'the incident of people engaging in ‘dogging’, sexual acts in public places, or watching others do so, has decreased by 95 per cent, according to the local police. For years this beach had become a popular meeting place for people engaging in ‘dogging’, it even appeared on websites promoting locations for the activity, with people travelling all over the Costa del Sol to meet and have sex with strangers. The properties above this beach are luxury apartments and people living there say they were not able to enjoy the beach due to these sex romps.'

Really they are talking about 'cruising' but curiously the 'dogging' label has erroneously been used.  One 'luxury' apartment owner (interesting that it's important the apartment is luxurious isn't it?) said it was fantastic that she no longer had to see naked men having sex when she looked out at the beach.

The steps taken apparently comprise of Benalmadena Council installing cameras and signs by the entry point to Las Yucas, prohibiting nudism and sexual activity on the beach. People caught breaking the rules face fines of up to €3,000.

All entirely appropriate given this rash of men apparently bonking in view of luxury apartments, no?  One last thing, the news site also asked the resident how many times she had seen naked men on the beach (given the amazing relief she now has you'd expect double digits wouldn't you?).  She replied simply "once".  Read the full story here.

Meanwhile, back in blighty, Puttenham Parish Council requested £3,500 from the borough council towards a scheme dubbed the Hog’s Back Wildlife Conservation Project.  The project is designed to transform a dogging site into a wildlife site where people can enjoy wild animals cavorting - just not human beings.  Interestingly, the concern by residents is once again in relation to children and is about them playing 'nearby' - an un-named danger of being near to where people have sex (not necessarily in sight).  One wonders how the nation copes with the prospect of parents bonking in neighbouring bedrooms in homes across the land.  Perhaps we need some sort of bonk monitoring vans, ready to hurl degenerate parents into rehabilitation programmes?  New building regulations on the wall thickness of children's bedrooms?  Read the wildlife story in full here.

Finally, journalists at the Northampton Chronicle & Echo must have been having a little bit of fun with their headline 'Doggers put off by trimmed bushes at Northampton sex lay-by'.  Curiously, the page has been pulled from the newspaper site but thanks to the power of the Internet, you can view it via Google's cache.  Check it out here.  it seems a mixed picture as to whether cutting back trees reduced the 'problem' of public sex and there seems the - perhaps obvious but important to state - point that people just move elsewhere.  Again, I'm not sure that this story is entirely about dogging.  It does seem to be about cruising and potentially dogging but dogging seems to be a lexicon of sex that the media think the general public understand more clearly.

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