Next Critical Sexology Seminar: 30 March 2012: "Sexuality and Time"
Venue: Laws Building, Room 1.00, Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End Road, London, E1 4NS
Time: 2-6pm
Guest-organised by Dr Jana Funke, University of Exeter (All welcome. There is no need to register your intention to attend with the organisers.)
Dr Jessica Cadwallader (Behavioural and Social Sciences, University of Groningen): "Wounded Detachments: Violence, Sex and Therapeutic Forgetting"
Dr Ben Davies (English, St Andrews): "The Erotics of Exceptionality: Agamben, Time and Sex" Dr
Emily Grabham (Law, University of Kent): "The Politics of Prognosis: HIV, Anti-Retrovirals, and the Definition of Disability in UK Equality Law, 1996-2005"
Dr Bob Mills (English, KCL): "Transgender Time"
Matthew Helmers (English, University of Manchester)
Dr Olu Jenzen (English, University of Brighton)
Critical Sexology is a successful seminar series which has been running in London for nearly a decade. It is an interdisciplinary seminar series for psychologists, psychoanalysts, medical doctors, literary and cultural studies scholars, philosophers, artists, lawyers and historians with a critical interest in the construction and management of gender and sexuality in the medical, human sciences, discursive and cultural spheres. Established in 2002 by Iain Morland and Lih-Mei Liao, Critical Sexology has since held three seminars per year, with meetings taking place in London. The seminar is currently co-organised by Lisa Downing (University of Exeter), Meg Barker (Open University), and Robert Gillett (Queen Mary, University of London). Since 2011, one in three of our yearly sessions now takes place in a University in the north of England.
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