Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Gay in Beirut

Many thanks to Ahmed for providing this wonderful link that examines Beirut's gay community. I do not claim to know much about being gay in an Arab country but I do know that is something many international scholars seem to have in common. It's an issue that is rarely discussed at international academic events despite the examination of a variety of other cultural environments and yet as this video highlights, it really ought to be. Ahmed also used to link to the marvellous Mithly journal which examined gay Arab life but sadly came to an end - bring it back guys! You can view the video here.

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Anonymous said...

As part of this year's Annual Student Conference at the University of Nottingham we will be showing 'Jihad for Love'- a film that explores what it is to be gay in Islam. The film will be introduced by Imam Muhsin Hendricks- an actor in the film, and openly gay Imam. He will also be delivering a keynote speech at the Conference itself. It promises to be an exciting event! (Not using your blog to advertise btw Chris lol)

Law & Sexuality said...

Feel free to Sean. Perhaps you could provide a link to more info for readers?

Anonymous said...

Yes Sean, link please!

FYI Mithly was discontinued after the website was censored by most of the Gulf of Arabia. Since it thrived on visitor submissions, our content dropped and was limited to submissions from Egypt and sometimes Lebanon, so unfortunately it all came to an end.

Law & Sexuality said...

Thanks for the info Ahmed. I don't think many UK based readers of this blog (and certainly students studying this module) fully appreciate the different political and legal climate life in the Middle East.

Anonymous said...

A small biography of Imam Muhsin can be found here:

A link to the movie webpage(looks exciting!!):

A link to our conference page:

We don't have information up yet on the Conference events as we are finalising arrangements still. However, Imam Muhsin has confirmed that he will definitely be attending, so that looks exciting! Another confirmed Guest is Chris Sidoti- a massive figure in International Human Rights, read more about him here:

If anyone wants more information please email me at

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