You can download/print the first voucher here. It's for Folsom Gulch, one of the SF venues with apparently a recent price increase. There's no website for them but they can be found at 947 Folsom St. The venue has previously been used for TIMs 'Suck Dick, Save the World' event last year (linked to their DVD series of the same name)(pictured right) and has also featured as the scene for a bareback film. Bareback sex is also reported to take place there. Of course, the voucher scheme provides 'value added' from the porn company - you don't have to buy anything to download the voucher - and also could increase footfall at Folsom Gulch. Win win no? Of course, there is then the question of the men who will want to go there - Folsom Gulch can hardly complain if a traditionally more oral based venue becomes increasingly the scene of fucking - and bareback fucks at that. As such, it could present a commercial challenge to Mack Folsom prison - a sex club - which is an established bareback venue (although its website obviously emphasises safe sex).
It will be interesting to see what venues/deals TIM now goes for. It will also be interested if this will have any impact on the SF commercial sex scene. Ant recent visitors care to share their experiences of any impact?
great article. i think tim is doing a wonderful service with these coupons.
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